If I were to die tomorrow… I would regret Djibouti.

Don’t worry, I didn’t die!  This is a regret themed post though.

When I was a kid, I got really obsessed with geography. It all started when my sister was taking her state capitals test in 5th grade, and I helped her study. Mind you, I was in 1st grade at the time. I got really excited about learning everything about geography and the world and all these things that I could memorize just to impress older people. I would goad everyone into quizzing me on state capitals, and I once even raised my hand in my 2nd grade class solely to boast my mastery of all 50 state capitals. I loved it. While now I see that was just one method for getting attention that I utilized in my youth, I now appreciate how much that obsession taught me about the great big world out there.

If I were to die tomorrow, I would regret not capitalizing on my opportunities to see that great big world myself. I have had a passport for several years now… and I’ve still never used it. I’ve been all over the United States, and I’ll be seeing Portland and Seattle for the first time soon… but I’ve still never left North America.

That goofy little globe-obsessed kid would always tell adults, “Before I die, I really want to go to Djibouti.” While, upon reaching adulthood, I realized Djibouti isn’t really the greatest destination and isn’t the most affordable nor the most gay-friendly place, I still regret not going to Djibouti’s actual quality faraway counterparts. Fiji, Spain, Dubai, Italy, Singapore, Iceland, China, Japan… any of these would alleviate a lot of the regret I think I would feel upon an untimely demise tomorrow.

I’d also regret missing the family Easter egg hunt. (Read: Money in plastic eggs.)

Photo on 3-28-15 at 4.50 PM

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